Last weekend, we were all geared up to babysit Solomon, the three-week old baby for Peter and Bonnie, while they went to the Seattle Opera production of Aida. A great chance for us to check out how cloth diapers work, and discover how they get so big, so fast. But they had a rough night and decided that the minute the lights went out, they would too. Not to mention the imagined horror of their friends trying to juggle a non-stop crying baby and later coming up with wild excuses to avoid them (and mainly the aforementioned offspring). They decided that they want to keep their friends-without-babies that they secretly wish would actually-just-have-babies-already.
They had signed up for the Sunday matinee. When I woke up that morning, I picked out my finest baby wrangling clothes- comfortable and easy to wipe clean since about all I know about kids that age is that they leak from places I probably don’t want to know about. Anyhow, we ended up driving halfway to Tacoma to pick up the tickets and then directly to the opera. The music was beautiful (modern dancing not so much but I will leave out my rant about that today) and opera dramatic as expected. Our day was dramatically changed in one phone call from the loud wails of Sol to the highly trained vocal delights of the Opera. Maybe Sol is just practicing for his later debut. I just hope that we can be there to see that too!
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8 years ago