Monday, June 28, 2010

Amelia's visit to Quebec: Part III Party At Grandpa Bertrand's house

I was just getting ready to post some fun pics from Amelia's birthday party, when I found this one all ready to go... I guess we've been busy with summer (it finally happened in Seattle and we are out trying to enjoy every minute of it). Here is the final set of pictures from our trip to Quebec. Now we can jump forward to all the progress Amelia has made since her visit at the end of May...

Did I mention that the weather was amazing when we were in Quebec? It is the best weather we have had all year, sunny, warm, just beautiful. We spent the day at Bertrand and Kathleen's house. We had a lovely lunch on the porch and some playtime on the deck with Kathleen's little dog (sadly the only dog left of the trio). Amelia seems to like him since he was pretty docile.

After Amelia's afternoon nap we went for a walk down to the river. Bertrand wore Amelia in the Baby Bjorn. The day was really nice. Then we had some wonderful cheese including a nice one brought back from Ireland (i think). Delicious. And Amelia loved the cheese too!

Amelia's visit to Quebec: Part II The Playground

There is a nice playground just a block away from Simon and Catherine's house. They have old-school teeter totters! We tried to go every day with the kids. It was fun to see some of Catherine's regulars there too. Since Amelia is not walking yet, she mostly enjoyed the swings. Although the tunnel was pretty fun for her too.

Samuel seems to really like imaginative play right now. He enjoyed spending some special time with grandpa Bertrand pretending to hunt buffalo and other fun games. Emilie and Samuel also enjoyed riding their bikes to the park and circling the play area on the walkways.

Quebec Visit: Part I The Playmat

Amelia had a ball playing with her cousins Samuel, Emilie, and Marianne. They had lots of toys that she had never dreamed of yet- like an entire box full of dinosaurs! They also had these really fun blocks that stack into neat towers. Emilie was even playing the piano for Amelia. Catherine is a wonderful musician and has lots of fun musical toys, including a cute little baby piano that we just had to get for Amelia when we got home. Hopefully a little bit will rub off on her- she certainly loves to tap out a little tune from time-to-time.

Here is a series of pictures that captures the spirit of our mornings playing together. Grandma Lucille is enjoying every minute of the playtime too!

Live action tower toppling for your pleasure!

Monday, June 21, 2010

A new tradition?

I think we might just have started a wonderful new tradition!

For Mother's day, I baked a Black Forest Cake for Melissa. She's the most wonderful mom to Amelia - and partner to me. Always giving so much love, continually learning with and from Amelia. It was a delicious cake.

For Father's day, Melissa baked me a fantastic Angle Food Cake. Yummy! Perfect crust, perfect lightness and sugarness. AND, strawberries are now in season, so it was wonderful all around. Father's day was a little gray - we were not able to go to the park - and Amelia and we are battling her first bad diaper rash (I'll spare you the details...), but it was still a wonderful day. We had friends over for brunch (Meghan, Chris, Eva, and little 7-week old Ian!), and played all day. Just being with my little girl (and my big one) makes for a true perfect day.

Can't wait for future years, when Amelia will surely participate more into cake baking!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Amelia takes the spoon

Just before we left for Quebec Amelia took over the spoon. I think she was impatient at how slowly we feed her sometimes. But mostly she wants her independence (only sometimes though).

She is getting better at the dipping part now, but we have to use sticky foods for it work! More to come...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Visit to Quebec

We have been slow about posting these days. We went to visit Luc's family in Quebec for a week. It was really wonderful. We stayed with his brother Simon, Catherine, and their kids, Samuel, Emilie, and little baby Marianne. There was tons of time to play with her cousins and the grandparents. There are some really great pictures but we haven't organized them yet. But here is a wonderful picture of everyone from Lucille. I love that the two babies seem to be looking at eachother, which seems to sum up their mutual fascination. They would sit across from eachother at the breakfast table and wave- so cute!