Monday, June 28, 2010

Amelia's visit to Quebec: Part III Party At Grandpa Bertrand's house

I was just getting ready to post some fun pics from Amelia's birthday party, when I found this one all ready to go... I guess we've been busy with summer (it finally happened in Seattle and we are out trying to enjoy every minute of it). Here is the final set of pictures from our trip to Quebec. Now we can jump forward to all the progress Amelia has made since her visit at the end of May...

Did I mention that the weather was amazing when we were in Quebec? It is the best weather we have had all year, sunny, warm, just beautiful. We spent the day at Bertrand and Kathleen's house. We had a lovely lunch on the porch and some playtime on the deck with Kathleen's little dog (sadly the only dog left of the trio). Amelia seems to like him since he was pretty docile.

After Amelia's afternoon nap we went for a walk down to the river. Bertrand wore Amelia in the Baby Bjorn. The day was really nice. Then we had some wonderful cheese including a nice one brought back from Ireland (i think). Delicious. And Amelia loved the cheese too!

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