Personally I welcome December. November was a rough month for us. I started back to work on Nov 1, and Amelia started daycare. We were both nervous about the changes. It has turned out that our daycare is working out great. I am adjusting to being away from Amelia and pumping at work. Just as we started to get a rhythm- Luc left for Taiwan for a week. And I got sick while he was away! Why do I always get sick when Luc is out-of-town?
At any rate our delicate balance of little sleep and adjusting to a new schedule was thrown completely out-of-whack. Now I was waking Amelia up at night- in addition to Amelia's touchy two-hour wake cycle. Ouch. Then when Luc got back HE got sick.
Despite all of the difficulties, we hosted Thanksgiving at our house for a handful of friends. It was wonderful and fun to have everyone over- we did rely on our friends contributions with a potluck T-day- a fun way to broaden your T-day traditions. It was a great start to our 4-day celebrate-rest-and recover plan.
Now that is all behind us. We can look forward to our first Christmas holiday in our new home with Ameila. The future looks bright!
Hope that December is filled with love and hope for everyone!
PS we will get around to posting some pics from November. Some pics from Tday are likely to come soon! But here are a couple of my faves from this month- and we know you just look at the blog for pics of Amelia!