Amelia has been practicing for Halloween for a while. She loves to wear the kitty cat ears around the house. But this year she was a dragon! A magical orange dragon. We had a great time. On Saturady we went to Stu's house to carve pumpkins. They mostly played with each other- taking turns following one another around the house. Stu was very sweet sharing his toys. Stu was also a dragon for Halloween- a cute green dragon. Then on Halloween, we met her friend Klara on Market Ave for the Ballard Halloween Treats Event. There were TONS of kids. I think Amelia was a little bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of people on the streets. She loves seeing all the kids in costume and the dogs! So many dogs- in costume too!

Luc took Amelia out to visit our neighbors. Amelia was fascinating by the glowing jack-o-lantern and wouldn't look at me at all. So cute! Our pumpkins were rather bland this year- as we did more baby wrangling than pumpkin carving!