It is true. Amelia is two. And I haven't posted the pictures from her party. It was fun, but I am slow. We have had a busy summer filled with visits and visitors. But this one is fun, too. You'll be glad you watched it.
Amelia just got the cutest little lion costume from her friend Cara. She found it lying on the bed in the guest room, brought it to us and wanted to put it on. So we took a few pictures. Have we mentioned that Amelia likes to watch "movies"? To her that means home videos, mostly of her and her family, but our friends videos too. Oh and the Weeping camel. (She makes an awesome camel noise if you ask!) Well, this was the first time we asked her if she wanted to make a movie. She was so excited. Here is a still to get the flavor of the fun and her first movies.