Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Diamond Head Crater hike

Today Amelia, Antoine and Melissa hiked to the top of the crater. It is just 1.6 miles RT with 600 ft elevation gain. But there are some twisty trails cut in rock and a tunnel complete with spiral staircase. The hike is really crowded. 

Amelia did an impressive job doing it all by herself. I had to ask her to slow down a bit to walk with me. The best view pictures are on the other camera but here we are half way up! 

Hawaii. Making leis

We are in Waikiki for a week while Luc is at a conference. Amelia Antoine and I are playing in the sun. 

Amelia with her finished Lei. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Contrasts. Snow in Seattle

Luc is in Sri Lanka where it is hot and humid. Meanwhile back in Seattle. We got snow! Beautiful, magical, and fun snow. 

We went to the park to play. Good thing Marie is here to sled with Amelia. Antoine and I slipped away for his morning nap.