It is amazing how time flies. Amelia is already 9 months old. She can crawl all over the house, chase her parents (and be chased!), stand tall on her own, find electrical cords and crumbs like a pro. She is a champion eater and has 5 teeth now. Her two front teeth have been coming in for a while. We are lucky to have such a fun and amazing baby. Her favorite game at the moment is to hide herself and be found or crawl away and be chased- you can tell when she wants to be chased by her pace and the cute little noises she makes!
Happy 9- months Amelia! They go by so fast.So fast that it took me half a month to post this! Ha.
Here are some cute shots of her in the garden playing on her little slide that Craig and Joanna passed on to us. She seems to really like it!

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