Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lucky girl with lots of Grandmas

Last night as I was putting Amelia to bed, she said that she loved her Grandma. And that she had 2 grandmas. And I said "and Kathleen" and she got so giddy "yeah". What a lucky little girl! Of course, this was after a wonderful day at home, where she used the potty all day and wore underwear. When she found the phone early in the day, she picked it up and started talking into it. Then said she was talking to grandma! Later we did a video chat with Grandma Carolyn.

It was a wonderful day! Lots of love for the grandmas today! (and Grandpas too!)

So here are some pictures of the grandmas from the summer!

This was the last night of Lucille's visit (more on that soon), Amelia insisted Grandma sit next to her. I think she wanted to have some special grandma time. Notice her shirt- if you think I'm cute, you should see my GRANDMA.

Most of the pictures from our visit this summer were with the horses and the pool. oh yeah- we should share those too! So here is little Bea with Grandma Carolyn!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bea loves the horses

And Amelia's ride is less exciting since Amelia did not want the dogs in the arena while she was riding. Smart girl. But it was all the video we have...

Adventures with Dusty

Ok. We are back in the archives. But some of them are really cute. Like Amelia's first chance to groom and ride her cousin's pony Dusty. Dusty is a pretty big, but fairly mellow pony. Bea had never been for a ride on her either, so the two girls were on a little adventure together. Bea was pretty at ease around the horses while Amelia showed some hesitation.

First they brushed her. The girls had to crawl up on a step stool to reach her. Amelia seemed to like this part. She was eager to pick her tool and climb the stool. I held her hand for reassurance for the actual brushing. Then the girls tried sitting on Dusty while she was tied up. Bea was pretty happy. So we added Amelia with her. They seemed pretty happy, but Amelia was too crazy about being up there alone when we took Bea off.

So we saddled Dusty up and gave Bea a spin. She loved it. Just what Michelle has been waiting for- a child that is enthusiastic about riding horses! Amelia wasn't sure if she wanted to go. But I am pretty sure she is happy that we were patient. She seemed to like it quite a lot.

Sadly our camera ran out of batteries (or memory) while we were trying to film. But we did get a cute little clip of Bea riding Dusty that we will post shortly!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday: Baking bread and chatting with daddy

We got to see daddy on Sunday. What a treat! He even got all dressed up. We can't do video chats while he is on the boat. But he sent us this still shot and I told Amelia that he sent her love via smileys (which she could see!).

We picked our first zucchini from the garden today. It is beautiful nice, long and skinny. Amelia tried to take a bite out of it- she was so excited. Then we baked some zuchhini bread (with some old CSA zucs). Of course, when I grabbed the camera to take a shot of her helping me bake, she ran off. But the idea is there. She loves to pull up a stool and help us bake.

And a recent shot of Amelia running around eating raw oats for Luc. I am not sure when it became her favorite, but I can't complain.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Way back in JUNE: We drove to Montana for a birthday party!

We had a busy, busy summer and now Luc is gone on a boat. So I can update the blog. Then summer will continue. So, let's go back to June....

It was Zora's second birthday. An event not to be missed. Amelia desperately wanted to go, so we relented. It is only 10 hours in the car. It should be fun. After all, there will be cake. Turns out, it was fun! Setting out on the road in the stylin' glasses. We stopped in cute town, MT and Amelia gave us a tour around town.

There is a great water park not far from their house. We rode over in Z's need red wagon. The girls came well prepared. Zora plunged head-long into the water fully clothed, while Amelia took the more prudent route of stripping down naked before running in.

Party time!

Then back in the car for another 10 hours. Did I mention that Amelia only slept for an hour in the car? She was too excited to sing, puzzle, read, and chat. We went to the library and got 5 CDs for the car ride. I think that helped. So did the train stop complete with 4 crazy kayakers launching into the overflowing MT rivers. They were really friendly and offered for Amelia to sit in their boats (before they launched). She was skeptical.