Monday, August 8, 2011

Sunday: Baking bread and chatting with daddy

We got to see daddy on Sunday. What a treat! He even got all dressed up. We can't do video chats while he is on the boat. But he sent us this still shot and I told Amelia that he sent her love via smileys (which she could see!).

We picked our first zucchini from the garden today. It is beautiful nice, long and skinny. Amelia tried to take a bite out of it- she was so excited. Then we baked some zuchhini bread (with some old CSA zucs). Of course, when I grabbed the camera to take a shot of her helping me bake, she ran off. But the idea is there. She loves to pull up a stool and help us bake.

And a recent shot of Amelia running around eating raw oats for Luc. I am not sure when it became her favorite, but I can't complain.

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