The baby is more and more active everyday. Feeling her (it's a girl!) move is wonderful.
A couple of weeks ago we went for an ultrasound. They checked all the organs, limbs, heart (amazing to see the 4 chambers and everything already working). It was very impressive to see how active and interactive she already is.
Here are a few pictures from the ultrasound. Most of them are a little strange, but some of you (grandparents!) might enjoy looking at them.
First one is a profile, and the next one is the nifty 3-D image they do. That's a very neat software... Luc is still trying to figure out exactly how they do it.

For geeks, you can check out that little clip. It starts with the profile view, then they pick the domain for the 3-D image, and the little face appears... Her left hand is touching her left cheek in the video. The dark spot on the right hand side of her face is the out of focus umbilical cord. It takes a little bit to figure out what is what, but when you do, it's amazingly adorable.
We're definitely very excited.