When we finally made it to the Da'an Park exit Amelia was pretty tired. I picked her up to carry her the three long city blocks to the park. I think she fell asleep before we even hit the exit. It was a good thing that it was the nicest weather since we arrived. I decided to walk to the park and find a place for her to nap in my arms. Then her boot fell off when I didn't notice- so I had to go back and hunt for it. I found it and then a cabbie helped me to stuff it in my bag.
Despite the long walk, the park was really nice. Lots of people were walking, running, spending time with their families and dogs. Then there is this huge play area. Amelia loved it. Slides, bridges, bouncy horses, and she even rode on the teeter-totter with another boy. Then of course she spotted the enormous sand pit with the one boy in it. She bee-lined right for him to "share" his toys. He was very generous, although I think he might have asked her for his toys back. He was patient while she played with it. We had lots of fun and we'll be back! Did I mention this is where I saw an asian pear the size of Amelia's head? We will definitely be back...
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