We made it to Taiwan. The flights went remarkably well. Amelia is an excellent traveler. We got some great advice from friends on how to make the trip a success. I think the two greatest hits were new flash cards with nice images and a photo book that we printed up with pictures from the last year containing friends, family, vacations, and lots of good times. Besides that the usual was running up and down the aisles and reading stories. We tried watching Aladdin, but Amelia's attention span was about 30 seconds since she has not watched any TV.

At the Taipei airport there are these lovely whimsical sculptures to greet you. Amelia was very excited to see some of her favorite friends. Here she is showing off with the mouse that is carrying his fruity luggage.

We arrived at the hotel just before midnight, got four solid hours of sleep, and managed to keep everyone in bed until 6 am. We were all awake, but we hope it sets the idea of a later waking time. Luckily the breakfast opens at 6:30 am and we were in the first wave. The spread was incredible and Amelia loves having rice for breakfast.

Taipei has lots of fountains, escalators, scooters, and buses. So I think we have plenty of entertainment for the next month! Taipei 101 is right next to our hotel and we wandered over in the morning. We spent two and half hours inside before the mall opened. The fact that we were in one of the tallest buildings in the world was lost on Amelia. We could have been anywhere. She made lots of friends- charming adults and playing with other children. And all before lunch. A great start for our visit.
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